简介:故事开始于上世纪七八十年代的贝尔法斯特,泰瑞(理查德·多默 Richard Dormer 饰)是一个具有叛逆精神和激进观念的音乐爱好者。他在北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特面临着冲突不断、生活困苦的情况下,作出了与他的朋友们选定立场的不同决定。他决定在风声鹤唳的街区开设一家唱片行,并将其命名为美妙的振荡。在他的
简介:Peter Capaldi’s final episode of Doctor Who this Christmas will feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts and be called Twice Upon a Time, it was revealed th
简介:The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corb