简介:The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Tra
简介:This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5,
简介:BotBots are Transformer robots that disguise themselves as everyday mall objects. By day, these BotBots hide quietly on store shelves. But, at night,
简介:宇宙中一个超级黑洞,正在向塞博特恩袭来。但是,没有任何对抗这个黑洞的手段,塞博特恩只有被消灭的命运。就在这个时候,一个叫引天行的古代战士穿越时空,来到了塞博特恩。引天行声称只有一种叫“Planet Force 行星之力”的东西可以拯救塞博特恩。“行星之力”是由创造宇宙的元始天尊的火种制造,它们有着具
简介:当年那场惨烈的芝加哥大战,汽车人虽然成功击退了霸天虎的入侵,却也让地球人对他们失去了应有的信任与尊重。由美国中情局组建的“墓风”部队对所有的变形金刚进行无差别的猎杀,一时间汽车人和霸天虎全都在地球不见了踪影。某天,居住在得州的落魄机械发明家凯德·伊格(马克·沃尔伯格 Marky Mark 饰)买回来