简介:In1956, four years before Jane Goodall ventured into the world of chimpanzees and seven years before Dian Fossey left to work with mountain gorillas,
简介:韩国电影#爸爸很漂亮#在2017年12月10日举行的第二届台湾国际电影节(FFIFA)上,荣获陪审团大奖(FFIFA Award of Grand Jury Board)和最佳导演奖(Best Director)后,在海外电影节上接连获奖。该片在2018年4月6日印度举办的第二届酷儿电影节(BQFF
简介:Summer adventure story about two kids who spend summer in city suburb, where together with talking dogs they rescue the romantic wooden-house neighbor
简介:Music and politics collide when international music star, Pras Michel of the Fugees, returns to his homeland of Haiti following the devastating earthq