简介:The teenage daughter (Holly Taylor) of a religious fanatic (Bruce Davison) attempts to escape her father's delusional suicide pact after three moxia.c
简介:年轻情侣波顿(Peter Horton 饰)和维姬(Linda Hamilton 饰)旅行路过内布拉斯加州盖特林镇,他们在公路上发现一具儿童尸体。为了报警,两人驱车驶入盖特林镇,却发现镇上的情况更为诡异蹊跷:这里似乎是儿童的王国,所有成人均不见踪影。孩子们全都听命于一个名叫艾塞克(John Fran
简介:Michael's health club is beseiged with a series of terrible murders involving killer saunas and other grisly devices. Michael's wife killed herself a
简介:身材姣好的年轻女性莎拉·沃克(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)目前正在某个快餐店打工,她始终怀有演员的梦想,但是多次试镜均告失败,令她心中满是失落与挫败感。某天,她漫不经心地向《悦耳的尖叫声》剧组提交了试镜申请,不曾想她的申请竟然通过了,这令莎拉喜出望外。最初的试镜不甚理想,可是莎拉在卫生
简介:Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors as well as the temptation of living beyond h