简介:In the main character, under mysterious circumstances, the brother dies. The girl begins to pursue realistic nightmares, and she goes to the Institute
简介:唐尼(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)曾经是满怀着正义感惩奸除恶的警察,却因为意外而被迫离职,离职之后,唐尼成为了一名私家侦探,专门为离婚案件提供线索。唐尼是一个可以为了达到目的而不择手段的男人,这种不择手段包括为了能够找到出轨证据而不惜让自己的妻子安捷琳(劳拉·桑·吉亚科莫 Laura S
简介:惨白寒冷的房间内,一个身着内衣的女人(娜塔莎·埃勒姆 Natasha Alam 饰)从昏迷中醒来。在这个既像监狱又像精神病院的房间里,她完全记不清自己姓氏名谁,来自何处,更不清楚自己为何会在这里。这令她分外恐慌,几近崩溃。不久,房门自动打开,她小心翼翼走出去,又先后遇到6名和她有着同样经历的男女。众
简介:This is a story of a young man named Kenny Stanford who had dreams of being an Successful artist in the music industry, but these dreams were cut shor
简介:Thomas Cromwell has gone down in history as one of the most corrupt and manipulative ruffians ever to hold power in England. A chief minister who used