简介:安德鲁·加菲尔德、玛雅·霍克(《小妇人》)、纳特·伍尔夫(《死亡笔记》《星运里的错》)、詹森·舒瓦兹曼(《布达佩斯大饭店》)将主演吉亚·科波拉导演的爱情片《主流》(Mainstream),今年底开拍。吉亚是大导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的孙女,索菲亚·科波拉的侄女,此前献出了导演首秀《Palo Alt
简介:故事发生在二次世界大战期间,沃尔特(盖瑞·马歇尔 Garry Marshall 饰)是曾经风靡一时的棒球明星,如今,早已屈居二线的他决定组建一支史无前例的女子棒球队。他看重了漂亮高大的多利(吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis 饰),多利的妹妹基特(罗莉·佩蒂 Lori Petty 饰)也跟随着姐姐
简介:As soon as Muzamil is born in a village in Sudan, a saint in the village predicts, “This child will die of twenty.” Unable to accept the curse, under
简介:Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countrysi