简介:一个雕塑家帕罗在很久以后遇到了他以前的恋人阿克·劳拉。但是他却被她15岁的女儿劳拉 Laura(道恩·邓莱普 Dawn Dunlap 饰)深深吸引,她长相酷似其母,当帕罗爱上她的时候,女儿劳拉也很喜欢他。但她母亲出于忌妒,阻止他们继续联系,她只允许帕罗用劳拉的照片(裸体写真艺术照片),为她雕像!
简介:The summer before she goes away to college, Tamara encounters a girl with a scar on her chest. As the summer winds on, she finds herself increasingly
简介:The summer of 1939, France and Provence, 14 year old boy Julian is infatuated with her cousin Julia, Julia and his family lived in a sm all hotel, unf