简介:Hunted by government agents and constantly assaulted by a cartel of vengeful thugs, an amnesiac known only as 626 searches for her true identity while
简介:腰缠万贯的法国富豪阿兰(费尔南多·雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)手上运作着全球最大的海洛因走私网,警方多番追踪仍无法将其落网,卧底警察也被残忍杀害。而在另一头的纽约城,侦探道尔(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和鲁索(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)还在酒吧中与当地贩毒
简介:本片由知名动画剧集《Avatar:The Last Airbender》改编而成。 水、火、土、气,乃支配世界的四大元素。操纵这四大元素的四个种族,分别是气和寺,水善部落,火烈国,土强王国。火烈国挑起了战争,气和寺被毁灭,水善部落面临灭绝,逃到了与世隔绝的冰天雪地;只有土强国仍在反抗。 降世神通
简介:1941年,第二次世界大战如火如荼。是时,美军和苏联军队分别在马汀·斯通队长(安德鲁·蒂曼 Andrew Tiernan 饰)和涅米队长(约克·亚赫罗 Jouko Ahola 饰)的率领下进入了位于芬兰与俄罗斯边境地区,协助芬兰部队歼灭敌军。在之前的1939年, 纳粹德国抓捕俄罗斯士兵进行秘密的活体
简介:When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. To
简介:When the neighborhood's beloved dogs are stolen by a comic book-inspired villain with an evil plan, it is up to eight brave and www.molikan.com advent