简介:Followed by Darby Harper, who is granted the ability to see ghosts after suffering a near death experience in her childhood. Then, she runs a side bus
简介:Martin Bristol returns to where it all began: the home where he was kidnapped from. But he is not the boy who disappeared over 10 years ago. Tortured
简介:During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop
简介:一位是作风矫健、机智幽默的联邦特工威斯特(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰),一位是爱耍聪明的易容大师高登(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰),这两个看似一山不容二虎的狠角色却被总统同时召见了,原因是授命他们一同追捕一名神秘毒辣的科学家连环杀手。威斯特和高登只好在摩擦碰撞中培养默契,竟
简介:影片以不久的将来为背景,通过卡梅伦(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)的眼睛讲述了一段充满力量和情感的旅程。卡梅伦被诊断患有绝症,医生向他提出了另一种解决方案,以保护他的家人免受悲痛。当卡梅伦挣扎着是否要改变他的家庭命运时,他学到了比他想象的更多关于生活和爱情的知识。影片探索了我们将